
Thursday, January 29, 2009

Free Poker Tracking Tool

Tracking your results is the ONLY way to know if you are a poker winner or loser. I can't tell you how many players I've met who are in denial. Even online players who should be able to do the math to figure out that deposits are greater than withdrawals. They just... don't do the math.

I digress. Here's a free poker tracking tool. I'm not 100% sure which poker sites it works with, and will update as I get more details. For now, you can just click the link below and check it out for yourself. :)

Poker Score


CheeseHeadPoker said...

Hey coach,

I agree we could all do better keeping score. Online poker tools makes it so much easier.

I know it's been a long time since we last had contact but I am glad to see you're site is doing as well as ever. It is my favorite poker site and I just recommended it to a fella at work that wanted to learn more about Poker.

I got off my butt and got back on my blog. Hopin you'll pop in from time to time.

Coach said...

What's up CheeseHead. :)

Long time no see! I'll definitely give your blog a read.

I haven't udpated in a month myself. Just busy as a bee these days..